First things first, I realize that I haven’t been here much. It’s been a crazy summer. Taking care of my health while making the most of the girls summer; without making them feel they have to carry any on my weight for not feeling well enough to go outside. Let’s just say, it has been an interesting summer. The girls are happy and that is what matters the most.
(taken from internet source)
Now, it’s time to return to school and we are all very excited to see what this school year has to offer. They are growing so fast. Right before my eyes, and if you have being following long enough, you know that been around them it’s a blessing on its own. I’m so very blessed.
(photo from instagram @mysweetzepol)
Back to school means new schedules, lots of homework and many paper works. It’s exciting and exhausting. All of that happens aroundĀ many of my doctor’s appointments, scans, blood works and days in bed. We are pretty much busy year round, in a good way. I wouldn’t change it for anything.
On another note, today is my baby’s birthday and that is worth a celebration in this house. Birthdays means more life, more goals, more achievements, more adventures and more time with the ones you love the most.
I’m very emotional today, I was diagnosed with cancer years before she was born and when she was just two years old I was going into surgery and treatment, because cancer had stroked again. But, God is so amazing and good, that He has blessed me with the privileged of growing around my girls and being part of their future and history.
Back to school to my girls and every kid, teen and young adult going back to school 2013-2014!
Happy Birthday to my baby girl!
When kids are in school they receive new schedules, but we as parents must adjust our schedules too. For school drop off, pick up, and any after school activity (sports/ballet) that comes up.
My prayers and wishes for this school year is that everyone going back to school may learn many new things, meet wonder friends that last a life time and have lots of fun while doing it! Now, my prayer for every parent, like myself, that are going thru the whole school year process with our kids may make the most out of the experience. With as much fun as them and makeĀ new friends, as well. Take time to breath deep.

Hi there! I’m Wanda – the creator and author at My Sweet Zepol a healthy food, travel, and lifestyle blog. Passionate about food photography, food styling, entertaining and advocate about creating memories around the kitchen table. With a mission to create easy-to-make meals for the busy family.