Every year I bake cookies for my family and friends. They look forward to it and it, I change the cookies yearly. Except for one cookie recipe I bake yearly. The Almond Snow Cookies, this cookies are requested religiously (click on the link for the recipe).
This year I baked most of the cookies from the 31 Days of Cookies series. One of the reason I wanted to make this cookie series was to help many of you have cookie options for your cookie swaps or cookie giving during the holidays. Or any time during the year. Teachers loves cookies too and it’s a great way to thank them for their love and attention to our kids during the school year.
Enjoy and Share!
Hi there! I’m Wanda – the creator and author at My Sweet Zepol a healthy food, travel, and lifestyle blog. Passionate about food photography, food styling, entertaining and advocate about creating memories around the kitchen table. With a mission to create easy-to-make meals for the busy family.