All you can eat mac and cheese is heaven for most. My girls would be the first in line. If you want to be first in line too then here’s the information you need. O-Town MacDown is going to happen on Saturday, August 23 at the Orange County Convention Center Hall D2 West Concourse (9800 International Drive, Orlando FL 32819) from 11a.m.-4p.m.
So what can you expect on a MacDown? Professional chefs, restaurant and home cooks will compete to see who has the best mac-n-cheese in Central Florida. There will also be live entertainment, celebrity chef cooking demonstrations and lots of fun for the kids. With kids zones, crafts and all the mac-n-cheese you can possibly wish for.
Entrance fees benefit Give Kids The World, a non-profit resort for children battling life-threatening illnesses. Get Your Advanced Tickets Now! There is a limited amount of tickets for this event. We suggest you purchase your tickets early before thwy sell out.
$10 for Adults – includes all the mac-n-cheese you can eat!
$5 for Kids Ages 3-12 (Ages 2 and under are free) – includes all the mac-n-cheese you can eat and the Kids Zone is free!
$35 for VIP tickets – includes unlimited mac-n-cheese, premium seating in the VIP area, free O-Town MacDown t-shirt and a free beverage.
Tickets at the Door will go for $15 for Adults and $10 for Kids.
*There is a discounted community parking fee of $9.00 if you choose to park at the Convention Center.
Online ticket purchase deadline is Friday, August 22 at 5pm. After this deadline, tickets will only be available for purchase at the door.
What is Give Kids The World?
Give Kids The World Village is a 70-acre, non-profit resort in Central Florida that provides week long, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. Since 1986, Give Kids The World has served more than 130,000 families. O-Town MacDown is the newest fundraiser for Give Kids The World Village, where more than 7,000 families visit each year. Our goal is to raise $46,000 through chef contest entry fees, guest entrance, vendor booth fees and event sponsorships to help fund wish-fulfilling vacations for children battling life-threatening illnesses.
To learn more about our mission and our nonprofit resort visit:
For more information please click HERE to read more about all the fun activities planned, the amazing competition judges, the chefs that will be cooking demos for us to enjoy and the live entertainment. If you think you have the best mac-n-cheese go on and register. Once you are on the page (link above) go to the “Competitors Registration” button for more information and to sign up.
Witness firsthand what promises to be a legendary face off of cheesy proportions! Hope to see you all there!

Hi there! I’m Wanda – the creator and author at My Sweet Zepol a healthy food, travel, and lifestyle blog. Passionate about food photography, food styling, entertaining and advocate about creating memories around the kitchen table. With a mission to create easy-to-make meals for the busy family.
Sounds fun!