My daughter turned 6 years old during the end of last month and somehow it turned into a week of celebration. In a weeks period she had cupcakes sent to school, a cake for the four of us in the house, cake to share with our home group and another cake to share with the family members that lives near by. That’s a lot of cake, a sugar high indeed!!!!
Take a pick at some of her previous cakes that I made. For her 4th birthday I made a Pillow Cake and for her 5th birthday celebration a My Little Pony Cake with many My Little Pony’s around the cake (which I’m sure was her favorite part). Hope you like her cakes as much as we do!
Meet my lovely baby. In the picture on the left she is about ten or eleven months old and on the right side is a picture of her now at 6 years old. Very cute, if I may say so! I love this girly girl!
For some reason she still thinks we are celebrating her birthday, she is hitting reality hard with the concept that it’s September already and no more birthday celebrations until next year, at least not for her. LOL, she’s too funny!
Can’t really blame her, I love turning my birthday into a whole week kinda of celebration, just between us four though ;). Now, I see where she gets those ideas 😉
Unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures of the cupcakes we bought for school or the cake she had on her actual birthday. But, I did take pictures of the other cakes and cupcakes she had, that I made for her to enjoy.
This no-bake cheesecake was made on Wednesday to share with our home group, (recipe coming soon).
Here are some pictures I captured from her huge cupcake and butterfly cupcakes. Cupcake is a raspberry cake with modeling chocolate topped with a cherry made out of gumpaste. The cupcakes are chocolate flavor with vanilla been frosting.
The cherry on top!
Butterfly cupcakes!
After so many cakes, cupcakes and celebrations she was even more excited with her presents. Thanks to all the family and friends that took some time to get her a present, she loves them all!

Hi there! I’m Wanda – the creator and author at My Sweet Zepol a healthy food, travel, and lifestyle blog. Passionate about food photography, food styling, entertaining and advocate about creating memories around the kitchen table. With a mission to create easy-to-make meals for the busy family.
Isn’t she cute. I am with her on the birthday celebration going on for days or weeks if you can.
@StarFashionAddict, my husband says she gets that from me, LOL. Love any excuse to celebrate and have some cake! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
She is definitly the cute’est of them all =)