Summer goes hand-in-hand with being outdoors. We are all over the place and choosing a car is as important as where you’re heading to. That’s why we at MSZ have partnered with Chevrolet to bring you one of its finest cars. I was provided with a Chevrolet Equinox 2018 for a couple of days to test drive. All pictures and opinions are 100 percent my own.
Summer is the best time of the year for road-trips, vacationing; being on the road. That includes our teenagers driving around for some summer fun with us (the family) or with their friends. As a mom of a teenager and an almost teenager I want to feel good about handing them the car keys. Chevrolet is sharing some technology features that I, as a mom, and my daughter both love. Perfect to give you peace of mind when your teenager is driving!
My teenage daughter is taking driving lessons. Which means she’ll soon be taking the driver’s license test and be added into the large list of drivers in America. A happy moment for her and proud moment for me. But, also as a parent I can’t help but be concerned about her safety on the road. Can you relate? As we can’t be responsible of other peoples driving skills or lack off, we can do something about our car choice. You know, the one you are planning on letting your teenager drive!
Chevrolet knows parents with driving-age children need a little added peace of mind.
1.    Create awareness: Take the time to sit down with your loved ones and make sure they’re aware that car tragedies peak during the summer. Knowledge is key, so be sure the whole family knows the statistics and takes the time to get to know their rides, maintenance needs and in-vehicle technology.
2.    Remember the basics: While newer vehicles offer advanced safety technologies, recent research from NHTSA shows that deaths resulting from speeding and lack of seatbelt use are on the rise. Just these two incredibly simple things – observing speed limits and always making sure everyone is wearing a seat belt – will help you and your family stay safe.
3.    Remind your family to speak up: Encourage your children to speak up if they are in a situation where safe driving practices are not being demonstrated. Summer often means your kids will be in the car with friends and family without you. No matter what age your children are, they must know it’s OK to remove themselves from dangerous driving situations.
4.    Put your phone away: We know it can be tempting to pick up your mobile device while in your vehicle, but don’t do it. Make use of your vehicle’s available connectivity features like Bluetooth and hands-free calling and keep your eyes on the road. And remember your kids are watching everything you do, so modeling good behavior helps them develop good driving behaviors, too.
5.    Take advantage of all the tech available: Having a teen driver today can be extremely stressful, but thanks to some of the latest technology, it’s also filled with less uncertainty than it used to be. Vehicles today have the ability to provide a report card of your driving’s behaviors and send text alerts when your teen’s vehicle has gone outside of a pre-determined area. Vehicles also have features to help remind parents that they may have left something in the back seat. Making sure you’re aware of everything your car can do to help you keep your family safe is key.
Don’t you just love this feature? I do. And if you have an adult son or daughter that’s a driver, don’t you just wish you knew about this feature or had it available? I hear you! My daughter loves it too. She loves feeling held accountable and that she’s not entirely alone going through her driving experience. We can sit down and use the Teen Driver report and discuss things like; the distance driven, maximum speed reached, over speeding, stability control and other safety concerns she may be having. Let’s get the conversation started and help our teenagers feel in control while driving with tools already available for us to take advantage of.
When I was a teenager starting to drive my Chevy I wish I had that extra set of eyes to help me learn more about what I was doing (good or bad) and how to become a better, more confident driver. Come and share with me about your first car and if you; like me, love the features Chevrolet offers on their newer models. Leave a comment on the section below! Can’t wait to know more about you and your first car!

Hi there! I’m Wanda – the creator and author at My Sweet Zepol a healthy food, travel, and lifestyle blog. Passionate about food photography, food styling, entertaining and advocate about creating memories around the kitchen table. With a mission to create easy-to-make meals for the busy family.
I like how this car also has the option to make it a Wifi hotspot for all the passengers. Also, I’ve been able to connect to the Wifi, VPN into my company network and WORK from the car itself.
Lex. We loved the Wifi hotspot feature too. It helps us manage our work even when on the go. A great tool indeed!
My kdis are 12 and 13 and I’m already thinking about his one! I think that putting the darn phones away and not being distracted by them will be so important that I”m starting the conversation now.
My parents taught 5 of us to drive without going insane! Haha! Not sure how that happened. Thankfully I am quite a ways away from this, but it is good to have tips for when the time comes.
So many great tips!
This sounds like a great vehicle. I love all the safety options, and I love that the WiFi hotspot means I can work while my husband drives. 😉
I don’t have children but I think my parents could have definitely benefited from this when I was learning to drive LOL.
Wow! I was unaware of these fabulous new features for teen drivers. When my girls were just starting to drive my husband and I would have loved to have a Teen Driver Report. I’m sending the link to this post to my sister with two young teens who are almost at driving age!
The joys of teaching kids to drive. We have a teen who wants to learn how to drive but that will be my husbands job.
My mom would have definitely benefitted from these tips when I learned to drive! She especially would have loved the car feature that gave a report on my driving capabilities!
This is such a great vehicle! I love all the featured. I’d feel comfortable if one of my kids were to drive this.
Simple but elegant post. Reminds me driving teacher who taught me driving.
I don’t even know what to do when my kids are that age! They are so little now, but I know I am going to have to learn to stay calm with the kids learning to drive.
My grandson has just started driving. I’d feel so much better if he had this vehicle to drive. It even looks good so he’d enjoy this all around. He completed his driving lessons and I’ve been a nervous wreck since, lol. He is careful though and that makes me feel better.
These are such great tips. I have one about to drive! Thanks for sharing!
A car with a wifi hot spot is a blessing! Work while someone else is driving sounds like a yes to me! I may have to let Bill take point when teaching our kids to drive. He has WAY more patience!
I can’t imagine what it is like to have a teenager on the road. I don’t have kids and didn’t learn myself till my 20s I have to say. But these sound like some great things to remember whenever anyone you know is on the road.
I remember when my daughter first started driving. I was nervous but she did well. She knows to buckle up and to use hands free with her phone. It’s actually against the law here to be without a seat belt or to use your phone while driving.
Wow. I just love all the safety features of this vehicle. Of course, having wifi capability is a must for me because I’m often working while on the road!
Since we are a family of 5, I think this is the ideal size for us. I love that it is large enough for us but not so bulky.
I am so nervous to go through this phase. I actually didn’t start driving until I Was 21, so I am a little worried about my son getting to be a teen and needing to learn!
I am not ready for that stage at all. My daughters are still young yet, but I know it will creep up on them soon. That looks like an amazing vehicle though!
I love Chevy and the Equinox is such a great vehicle! I’m glad I have a few years before I need to worry about my teen driving though!
looks awesome. i am looking at new cars and appreciate your tips. will def check this out at the dealership
This is one thing I am not looking forward to. My son will be getting his learners in a few years. These are great tips!
We’ve got a brand new teen driver in the family too. Not sure we’re ready to spring for a new vehicle for her though – its going to be a beater car first!
This reminds me of how my dad felt nervous everytime I took the wheel during the whole of my driving lessons. But even so, he always reminded me to put the phone away and stick to basics!
This is such a great vehicle! I love that it has families in mind and provides that added bit of security and peace of my for parents.
We have a Chevy Traverse, and a teen who will start Driver’s Ed next Spring. I will be checking into the all this Teen Driver Technology Chevy offers when she begins driving. This is some great information!
I was old school and told my kids to put their phones in the trunks to avoid the temptation. A few times forgetting the phone entirely cured them of that, and they now use the bluetooth technology. That can be a little distracting too, so best to practice with it a bit before taking that first call on the road. Good luck to your daughter! Driving is a huge milestone.
It took me itself a really long time to learn to drive. Can’t imagine what It would be like when someday I would have to teach my children.
My oldest son is just a couple of years from driving and I`m already reading all about it. Right now focusing on cellphone best practices.
Even though my boys are still toddlers, I still find this a very helpful post. I especially love the tip of them speaking up. This car is fabulous!
That’s so cool that you can keep a record of the driving habits of the car. That would come in really useful I would imagine, especially for peace of mind when your kids are driving on their own.
These are great tips. I added that my kids could not drive with the radio on for 6 months to avoid another distraction!
Driving with both of my kids when they were learning to drive made me so nervous! And then when they could drive on their own, I was always wide awake worrying until they got home. It took a long time until I could relax when they were out with the car!
I remember our first car as a family. My sister was the driver. Unfortunately, the very day they got the car was also the same day she hit another car which happened to be parked at the side of the road. Our mom was so upset. LOL. But, seriously, what was wrong was they had the car windows heavily tinted that she can barely see in the dark. And the incident happened later that night. And that she has poor sight even if she wears eyeglasses. I guess people must be aware of this too.
I drive an Equinox and I can vouch that it is such a great (and safe) vehicle!!! I have a niece and a nephew who both just got their driver’s licenses within a few weeks of each other. I will definitely share your post with my sisters!!!
Learning to drive has changed so much with the distractions that teens have now. Thank you for sharing this!
AGENCANTIK8 always the best