One of the content creators here in My Sweet Zepol is a teenager and we also have a tween in the family. When you have teens and tween’s in your life you may have found yourself changing things up during Halloween time. We don’t go out trick-o-treating. It’s always been a goal of mine to make memories with the girls. Whether we go out on a night like Halloween night or not.
For years the girls and I have stayed in during Halloween night. We’ve rented, bought and searched for movies to watch while eating candies, homemade popcorn, and ice cream. We may not go out to trick-or-treat, but we do eat a lot of candies and junk food. It brings joy to my heart seeing the girls so excited about our time together. Our traditional movie and candy night. We call it “MandyNight”. It’s movies and candy night. Get it? Yeah, I thought you would find it clever!
It’s a great way to make memories with your teenagers while still enjoying the night. We have found ourselves baking cookies, brownies (because I just love brownies) and making milkshakes. This year, I told the girls we were grabbing fresh fruits and some healthier treats while on our candy run. Again, as the kids grow up they also start craving healthier treat options. At least my girls do. And I do too.
Treat ideas:
- Homemade Sweet and Salty Caramel Popcorn
- Fresh fruit salad
- Cheese Platter
- Homemade Granola / Homemade Trail Mix
- Bite size candy bars
- Milkshakes
- Baked chips (bags of them)
- Homemade chocolate cookies and/or gooey brownies
After you’ve done all the treats you want to indulge in throw a few pillows and blankets on the floor and make yourself comfortable.
Tell me, what is your Halloween night tradition? Do you have teenagers?

Hi there! I’m Wanda – the creator and author at My Sweet Zepol a healthy food, travel, and lifestyle blog. Passionate about food photography, food styling, entertaining and advocate about creating memories around the kitchen table. With a mission to create easy-to-make meals for the busy family.
Teenagers are a challenge to get excited about anything much less Halloween. As long as you find ways to engage and spend quality time with them, you’ll have a great evening.
I love thinking about how holidays can evolve as my kids get older. What greats ideas!
We have a mix of teens and younger children in our family, so they still dress up and trick-or-treat with everyone else! I love your idea of celebrating in other fun ways, too. Movie nights with tasty snacks are always a bit hit.
If you can get a teenage excited about anything on any level, it’s a win. These are great ideas.
These are some fun ideas. My teenager and tween are actually going trick or treating tonight. I told them they can go as long as they want, so long as they are in costume. They like the candy!
This is the first year we haven’t gone trick or treating. We don’t really have any new Halloween traditions in place yet. We just moved to a new city and are still learning our way. I am sure we will have something fun to do next year.
We just got in from trick or treating. I saw quite a bit of teens trick or treating and having fun! I feel like you are never too old to do it!
We do not trick ir treat for religious convictions. We take our 6 kids out for ice cream instead.
I don’t have a teenager yet but I like the ideas that teens get involved in this kind of occasion and these treats ideas are really good.
These are some great treat ideas!!! I bet this would be fun! My daughter is two and fell asleep pretty early tonight on Halloween! HA
We don’t really have any Halloween night traditions though. But I’m lovin’ the “MandyNight” clever! 😀
It can definitely be tricky. Love all of those snack ideas!
Wow, yuuum! Those snacks sound amazing! It sounds like you have some amazing traditions which I’m sure will continue on when your girls celebrate with their families when they are older.
I don’t think teenagers should be excluded from trick or treating, if they want to go. I do think it is fantastic that you and your girls share this special time together.
I now have 2 teenagers. One still went trick or treating this year and the other went to a party. Both had a blast.
I don’t have teenagers so we’re still trick-or-treating. As a teenager, our church used to go bowling or do other fun things for us as an alternative to shenanigans that some teenagers can get themselves into.
You’ve shared some really nice treat ideas. Halloween night is always busy and these treat ideas are easy to do at home.
this looks like a lot of fun! it’s hard enough trying to entertain them so any little bit helps!
Teenagers have a different way of doing things. This is a great idea. It’s perfect for a Netflix and chill night.
Halloween should be fun for teenagers. I love that you have a bunch of ideas here for that… my son is 11 and I couldn’t help but think this would probably be his last year to trick or treat! Middle schoolers just don’t seem so keen on it.
I definitely need to change it up now that I have a teenager. This is the first year she didn’t go trick-or-treating, and it was because she had too much homework! We were up past midnight finishing homework. Isn’t that ridiculous?
All those treats sound fantastic and are making me soooo hungry! Halloween is always such fun time!
I haven’t thought about teenagers in Halloween. My daughter is going to be 10 next year so few more years they will go for trick o treating. By the way your Halloween spread looks delicious.
This is something that adults can do too !